Signs of Spiritual Awakening - EP134

Victoria delves into the concept of spiritual awakening, offering insights and signs to recognize if one is undergoing such a transformation. She explains spiritual awakening as a shift in dimensions, from 3D to 5D, with the 4D acting as a bridge, filled with shadows and challenges. Victoria shares her personal journey and highlights three key signs of awakening: unusual visual experiences indicating the activation of clairvoyant abilities, disrupted sleep patterns with vivid or daunting dreams as one becomes more aware of spiritual presences, and the encounter of signs and synchronicities that may seem overwhelming but signal a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. She emphasizes the importance of addressing these awakenings with an open mind, setting boundaries with the spirit world, and embracing the ongoing nature of spiritual evolution. Victoria encourages viewers to view awakening as a chance to embrace one's multidimensional nature and to explore consciousness with curiosity and an open heart.

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